Many of my friends have special hobbies that define them, such as Soccer, photography, and even sightseeing around the world. However, I have gone into the hobby of swimming, which can be described as the exercise of the body to push through a pool of water. It takes strength and determination to finish and surpass those who race against me. To me, swimming is the challenge of literally trying to go farther than my peers in reaching a goal. 

          I have always liked being in the water, the feeling of weightlessness in a world where everything will weigh you down. I started swimming in the summer of 4th grade, when most of my friends were swimming competitively against other kids of our age. The challenge was easy, as all one would have to do was to literally pull yourself through the water to get to the other side. As time progressed, I learned that to go faster, you have to split the water as you pass through it, making the heavy water that you swim through, slide by instead of weighing you down. I also learned I could not play other sports, as a health condition kept me from playing contact sports. Learning that swimming was one of the only sports I could now excel at, I now exercise and practice so I can be the best at one of the few sports I can participate in. 
       So if you can do something well, pursue it to the point where it can benefit you the most. 

    What is your favorite sport? What skills are needed to become an elite athlete in that sport?
Have you tried swimming against your friend? Have you ever thought that swimming competatively was actually a major sport? Well swimming is actually a large-scale sport, and one of the foremost sports in the Olimpics, contributing to why it is my favorite sport. 
    There are many aspects to becoming an elite athlete in swimming. First and foremost is a healthy respiratory system, as oxygen is a vital fuel for your body when swimming, and breathing can be particularly difficult in an agitated situation such as a swimming sprint. A good swimmer also has to have a strong body, as you use all parts of your body to propel yourself through the water. Elite swimmers also have to practice very often, usually 5 times a week, to reach peak physical condition for swimming, as strength and endurance can be lost very quickly. Overall, to become an elite swimmer, one must be in peak physical condition and must know proper technique to prevent possible injury (such as swallowing water).
    Swimming is a major sport in my life, and is an exciting sport. The energizing feel of water rushing by as I propel myself through the water is exhilarating, with the deafening sound of water slowly attempting to fill my ears. It is awesome in that it is not dull like running, as one can be constantly be looking toward a goal that is so within range and can be won within a fraction of a second. It is also a non-contact sport, thus making injury minimal. What might your favorite sport be, and how does it affect your life?